To establish a Global Finance Agency and/or relocate your corporate structure to an overseas jurisdiction can be an essential step in protecting your assets from lawsuits, In addition, you may be able to take advantage of international tax breaks and grow your investments overseas. This website is based on years of research and is intended as a tutorial that can guide you step-by-step in forming and using an “Global Finance Agency” You will find literally dozens of advantages to setting up an international organization and running your business using an Global Finance Agency bank account instead of, or in association with a local account. Nevis, Cayman Islands, Panama, BVI and Hong Kong, for example, are all very popular jurisdictions. Thus, we can guide you in setting up the corporation or LLC of your choice. Then, we can help you establish a bank account for your business and set up a virtual office Global Finance Agency.
Nevis LLC legislation offers some unique and effective asset protection features to safeguard Global Finance Agency accounts from lawsuits.